How design could help the driving sector to anticipate the futur.

Do we continue using cars in the future? What will look like the driving experience? 

Digital technology is also impacting the way we travel, take transports, exploring our environment. These project asked to various profile background to imagine the future of cars, including digital innovations. Coders, designers, sociologists worked together for few months to develop an inside car project that will make the driver dream.  


With Julie Molinie, we designed the visual identity for this project. The project should show mystery and an imaginative environment.

I also organized design workshops in order to help the teams understand the context and question the future of this driving industry. We both had to understand PSA vision and philosophy, and incorpore a new eyesight with technology. How new technologies could ameliorate the driving experience? 



Developers, designers and sociologists together to imagine the car future. Working closely with PSA design team, we imagines how improve the car experience in the future. What would it be?

I designed the visual identity for this project and organized workshops in order to help the team developing their concepts during the first project phase. Cross-referencing approaches. Confronting the eyes. 
