A 2 days festival, about digital impact

What is the digital technology influence on our lives? On our brains, our relationships, our policies ? 

Digital technology is changing all domains. These two days of PERSPECTIVE festival, aimed to take a step back on our practices, our habits and to better understand digital technology impacts in our daily lives.  

// Workshops, installs and conferences to approach digital from different perspectives. Cross-referencing approaches. Confronting the eyes. //


I suggested organizing this event to encourage digital players to take a step back and look at their practices, habits and, above all, their impacts. 

Questioning the social, environmental and economic impact of a project from the design stages is essential at the present time. It was not only a question of taking stock of the situation, but also of opening up possibilities, by crossing various points of view, of designers, researchers, entrepreneurs, companies, etc.

It was a team work, for which I would like to thank you particularly: 

• Julie Molinié (multimedia graphic designer who produced most of the festival's media)
• Céline Zoubeidi (Matrix Communication Director)
• Constance Daire for all communications on social networks
• Edward Gomes for logistical support




PERSPECTIVES, a 2-day festival, designed to explore and question together our digital world, its dynamics and limits.

Workshops, installs and conferences to approach digital from different perspectives. Corss-referencing approaches. Confronting the eyes. 

Website :
